Marketing Inclusively to Neurodivergents

Mini Course

Coming October 2024

It’s estimated that 29% of entrepreneurs are neurodivergent. And the comorbidities are also pretty high with dyslexia being one of them.

It’s likely they’ve already invested in many courses and programs through impulsive spending habits so it’s no wonder that neurodivergent people are, in my experience, trying to be more savvy about their spending. Often finding long fuffy sales pages irritating at best, or confusing at worst.

When you’ve met one person with ADHD you’ve met one person with ADHD. When you’ve met one person with Autism you’ve met… You get the gist!

However, there are similarities in the way in which we neurodivergents experience the world and how our brains are wired.

From the feedback I’ve had from the neurodivergent community, some of the biggest issues that we have with marketing are authenticity and clarity.

We like transparent pricing and are often put off by the fluff and storytelling

I’ll be running this session live either over one or a few evenings to give you a step-by-step guide on how to effectively market to your neurodivergent audience. The beauty of this is it’s also BRILLIANT for the neuro-typical brain! It’s the first time I'll be running this the course will be slightly lower in pricing the first time. You’ll also get free access to the pre-recorded course when it’s released later.

By entering your details below you’ll also be added to my weekly marketing mailing list but you can unsubscribe from that at any time.

What makes me ‘qualified’ to teach you this stuff?

I’m Sam - a neurodivergent (ADHD) parent to an ASD teen. I’m a qualified digital marketer and have spent several years in marketing and copywriting. Specifically for online courses and programs. I’ve been to the darker side of relentless marketing and sales ‘tactics’ and have come out the other side with a very different view and perspective.

I work and spend time with a lot of neurodivergent people who share their experiences and opinions with me. Through these views, and with what I already know about inclusive and ethical marketing, I’ve put together what I believe to be the best framework for neurodivergent marketing. If ND people are your core audience then this is going to be perfect for you.

No FOMO here either - I will be running this again as a pre-recorded course. This first one will be live and slightly cheaper. So if you’re in a position to do it now it’s a great time. Pop yourself on the waiting list and I’ll send details as soon as they’re ready. It will be run in October 2024.