How often should I blog?

How often should I blog?

Not only is starting a blog a big ask, keeping a blog going is an even bigger one. Having a blog on your website in my opinion is fundamental to your content marketing. There are many benefits to having a blog and I’ll go into them in a little more detail below.

If you want to know how often you should blog then get set to find out. Let’s start your blogging journey today!

Blogging inconsistently

Posting blogs inconsistently is a trap a lot of us get into (hands up - me too!) This unfortunately is what most people do because the intentions are all good at the start and then life takes over. But it will be really hard to see improvements in your Google search rankings when you do this. So you won’t see or reap the benefits and you’ll stop blogging.

person drinking a cup of tea in the blog 'how often should I blog'

So why do we need consistency when we blog?

Those little Google bots are constantly searching the net for content. They are crawling through your website and they know when you post something new. They’re clever like that. They want their users to have up-to-date fresh content. So your blog is an instant SEO tick. There are many other things you can do to optimise your blogs but you can start off by being consistent.

Consistenty doesn’t just mean frequency either. Consistency is the type of content you share and how it relates to the content throughout your site. to show Google that your content is consistent you can link between your blogs and service pages.

So for example, if you are talking about blogging, then make sure you have a few other blogs about blogging that you can link to, and a service page about blogging. Hyperlink your content (preferably in the first paragraph)

Should I blog daily, weekly or monthly?

So you know you need to be consistent when writing your blog, both in terms of the type of content and schedule, but you still need to know often you should write them. Is there a good schedule to stick to?

If you are new to blogging I always say to start slow. Once a month is a GOOD start. It’s easier to stick to that schedule. And the beauty of once a month is that you can use that content throughout the whole entire month! That can be your topic for the month. Repurpose snippets of it in your social media and your newsletter.

Already blogging once a month? I challenge you to go all in and do once a week! The more pages you can have on your website with relevant content the better your search results will be.

But 52 blogs a year?! I know it feels like a challenge right? But there are some really good ways to come up with ideas.

Generating Ideas for Blogs

One way to get ideas for blogs is to make a lost of all of your service areas.

For me that would be blogging, email marketing, website content, SEO, lead generation and digital marketing.

Now for each of those service areas make a list of subtopics. Struggling with that? You can ask Chat GPT to do it for you.

Then within those sub-topics think of a question that your perfect, ideal most amazing client wants to know. The purpose of your blog is that you are giving them those answers, and/or showing them that you are an expert in that area. Struggling for questions? Head to - pop your topic in and it will come up with all of the questions that people ask online around that topic. Clever right?

Blog more than once a week? It CAN be done. And you’ll find that some of the really big bloggers do this, no doubt with a team of people behind them. But let’s be real, they are either professional bloggers or they bring people on board to do that for them. As a business owner, it’s not something I’d recommend unless writing comes really easily for you and you’ve got at least an hour you can set aside every day.

Me? I blog once a week. Ideally, I’d like to blog two or three times, that’s the aim. But that’s my job. I’m a content creator!

What do you think? Can you blog once a week or once a month? What feels right for you?

What’s next?

If you need help with your blogging I write blogs for lots of different businesses. Blogs that are targeted and keyword-rich to help with your Google rankings.

If you are looking for a more comprehensive guide on how to make Blogging work FOR you, with some additional creative ideas on what to blog about, then download my free guide here:


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