“Copywriting for all of your online courses, programs and launches”

Running an online business as a coach or therapist is no longer a unique situation to be in. Which means standing out in the crowd becomes harder.

What makes you different? Why does someone scream ‘hell yeah!’ when they see your content?

Don’t worry, I’m not here to create cringy, inauthentic, and over-the-top copy for you. I’m here for people who know exactly who they are and what they want to say. The thing I’ll bring to the table is a unique way of looking at your messaging so it speaks to the heart of your audience in a meaningful and energetically aligned way.

Many of my clients are neurodivergent (fellow ADHDer here!) and the thing I see most is an absolute all-encompassing passion for helping people. So much so, when the content comes out it might not be as succinct as you’d hoped.

My experience is in 6 figure launches and direct response marketing which basically means I write the copy that gets the sale. I don’t follow in the footsteps of some of the more unethical marketing you see online. My style is kind, connecting and concentrates more on motivational copy that succinctly conveys your offer to your dream clients.

Listen to the ‘Could it be ADHD?’ Podcast

If you’re neurodivergent then you might be interested in my new podcast ‘Could it be ADHD?’ where I interview other late-diagnosed ADHDers about how their diagnosis has changed their lives and business.

Authenticity is a ‘trendy’ word right now

But what does it mean?

I’m not new to the online world. I’ve been here for at least 10 years and as a qualified digital marker, (a ‘proper’ one with the Chartered Institute of Marketing, not a £300 course you find online!) I've seen the online space change dramatically.

People are trying all they can to get attention. Which can mean crossing lines they wouldn't usually by going against their ethics to get the sales. It’s unsurprising that some of the biggest changemakers are doing the same. But does it feel good? And is that where your energy lies?

Your audience is savvy. They want to see the real you. You’re likely working with other professionals who see through that BS marketing and look for a deeper connection. They’re looking for change. They want to know what they’ll get if they spend thousands on your program. They’re been burnt before and understandably they’re not going to part with their money unless they have complete trust and faith that you’re the one.

That’s the first thing to overcome

The second thing I see is the content itself. As a neurodivergent I personally know how easy it is to write 1000 words when 200 will do. I imagine you’re smiling right now because you know exactly what I mean! And I say this with love because I understand rejection sensitivity myself - I’m not going to tell you your words aren’t needed. Your words are beautiful! But I can magically put your content into a more succinct structure so people will read to the end.

I’ve spent the past 20 years honing that skill - it’s not something that comes easily to everyone.

You know how difficult it is to consume paragraphs of text in one sitting; your audience is no different. Not to mention how our brains have been retrained by modern distractions to move at a fast pace.

So with ethics and alignment at the heart of my words, combined with a succinct approach to messaging, I can create sales copy that feels like a breath of fresh air. It’s still you - but with an additional calmness, sparkle, or spice - whatever it is that’s needed.

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Client Reviews

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What is Ethical Marketing?

Working from a place of integrity and authenticity is crucial both in your business and how you come across in your marketing. Using fear tactics that involve deception, and messaging that attempts to remove critical thinking, are things of the past and not something I subscribe to. If that’s your bag then it might best you walk on by!

Inclusivity is also far more than a tick-box exercise. I can spot the gaps in your marketing and ensure your messaging is truly inclusive to everyone from all backgrounds and genders.

Ethical content marketing is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to running an ethical and inclusive business. I always recommend working with an inclusivity consultant to review all your processes and procedures if needed.

“Sam takes time to understand your company.....and is quickly able to create engaging content that accurately represents your company's branding.”

Annie Clarke - Annie’s Training Company

Hey I’m Sam

I’m a digital marketing expert and copywriter. I set up my business to help other entrepreneurs working in purpose-led work to market their services through content that’s authentic and ethical.

Marketing can be a minefield in the online space so it’s difficult to find someone you can trust. I’m proud to have a reputation for authenticity and inclusivity whilst still being able to deliver results for your business. I can’t wait to find out more about you and what you do.

Does this sound like you?

  • You’re a coach, therapist or change-maker.

  • You've got courses, workshops and a membership, or perhaps you're working towards these.

  • You’re a creative, empathetic, and passionate entrepreneur

  • You know your messaging is crucial to your success and you’ve already experienced great launches. But you feel your copy needs re-visiting so you can continue to move and grow.

  • You know exactly who your audience is, and the message you want to share, you just don’t have the time or the capacity to do the work yourself. You know that now is the right time to start investing in a copywriter and you’ve got the budget to do it.

If you tick all the boxes then you’re ready for one-to-one services! Check out my sales page packages and contact me or book a call for more bespoke work or to discuss anything that isn’t covered.

Book a call today to see how we can generate more leads and get that consistency and clarity around your marketing and messaging

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