5 easy ways to generate content for social media

Creating content is an ongoing challenge for online businesses. We know that we need to create content to engage and connect with our audience. But finding inspiration is time-consuming. We need content inspiration and we need it fast!

Creating consistent content on social media is key to making sure that people know someone is home. If you only post content to your social media once every other week, people WILL wonder if you are still there. But it doesn’t have to be hard! Post once a day to maintain your account. Be consistent about it.

So I’m going to share with you 5 quick and easy ways to generate content for social media that you can use in your business.

1. Social Media Prompts and International Days

A super easy win to find content inspiration is to Google social media prompts and international days. There are some great links here to give you some ideas:



For international days, think of a story or situation, or a question you can ask your audience that relates to that day.

2. Content about your products and/or services

Don’t forget to talk about what you do!

Once a week share a post about your services or products. Start with a story about the struggle that your service fixes. Or the story behind the product. Why will it make that person feel good? Share an image of you, or your products.

3. Content sharing behind the scenes

These posts win hands down every single time. If I could only get the same amount of engagement as my dog! Seriously, my dog has more Instagram followers and way more reach than me. So when he shows up in one of my posts on my social media my stats rocket.

But it’s not just about that. It’s about connection. There are a lot of people out there doing the same thing as you right now. So why is someone going to choose your business over theirs?

Because of you! (yes you – awesome and amazing you).

I work with a Virtual Assistant and a Social Media Manager. Both of them I chose purely because I saw videos of them, read their content and instantly got a great vibe from them. In fact, I would go as far as to say I would never choose to work with anyone I hadn’t seen in the flesh online. So get that video out, do whatever you need to, to shake off those nerves and get sharing.

5 easy ways to generate content for social media with this blog on content creation ideas for  any business. Creating content is an ongoing challenge for most businesses and we know  that we need to create content to engage and connect with our audie

4. Repurpose your content

You’ve hopefully got a website? And if you aren’t creating blogs or articles of some kind already then you need to be.

Now you’ve got some content lets repurpose that on social media. Blogs, service pages, emails and lead magnets. Anytime you’ve created content save it and re-use it. Take a snippet and re-write it. Re-order it. Expand on it. People are not going to notice I PROMISE you.

Did you know that only 2% of your audience on Facebook actually see your content?

Shocking statistic I know. But that’s why you can’t worry too much that some of your messaging might be a bit samey. In fact, out of the 2% of people that see your posts, how much of that information do you think they actually take in?

You can EVEN re-purpose a post you posted 6 months ago, word for word, with a different graphic. That’s the ultimate in time saving content creation.

5. Last social media content creation tip (and possibly unpopular for some) Reels

Reels CAN be quick and easy. Look at the Reels tab on your Instagram feed and you’ll see many examples of Reels that you can point and shoot.

Very little input needed in terms of captions or even slicing up clips. AND the inspiration is already there! All you need is a teeny bit of imagination on how that could relate to your business.

So there you have it. 5 easy ways to create content for your social media. Go to quick and easy inspiration when you need to batch up a few posts to keep you going.

Ideally, you’d have a strategy and a longer-term plan of what you want to achieve. Engagement? Growth? In which case you need to do a bit more work. But when it comes to maintaining a presence these are great examples.

If you want more inspiration and content ideas, then join my Facebook group over here - a free group where I share advice and tips and where you can connect with other business owners. It’s a super fun group - get over there and say hey!


Why do I need a blog?